An Artist’s Statement – Freedom and the National Debt

Every self-respecting artist is expected to have an Artist’s Statement that explains to anyone, who may be interested, something about the artist, his or her work, motivations, etc.  It is supposed to be an illuminating glimpse into the soul of the artist and is supposed to make you feel as if you know him or her more intimately.  Artist’s Statements are used especially by dealers in making patrons feel comfortable with the person whose art they may be buying, for example.  When purchasing something of value from another person, particularly an artisan, it is human nature to want to know something about that person.  It helps to give life to the object that the artist has created.  The Artist’s Statement is in some sense the next best thing to actually meeting the artist.  As a result, artists often spend a great deal of time carefully crafting their Artist’s Statement to meet the objectives and to give a glimpse into their very soul.

I, too, wanted to make a statement that would be pertinent to who I am and how I feel, and what motivates me, when launching my new websites, now available at (link on the right sidebar).  Because of the times we live in, I was motivated to speak out about the dangers that I see before us and the threat that they hold for what I hold dearest in my own heart – my freedom.  Because I feel strongly about this, and because the time is right to speak or perhaps forever regret not having done so, I wanted to write to you in my Blog.  I hope that my words and feelings will strike a chord with you, also.  I believe that I have many kindred spirits out there in our country, who share my fears and concerns about all that is now happening and about the possible consequences.

Let me begin by quoting from my Artist’s Statement, which will be found on the new website:

If I were an eagle, I’d soar as a free spirit above the mountains and clouds; over the sea and shore, and down to the valleys and plains. I’d see and I’d experience as much as I could from my unique vantage point on high. But, sadly, I’d miss the greatest adventure of all – the chance to try my hand at preserving and interpreting all that I had seen – and imagining and perhaps giving expression to all that I had not seen. Without that challenge and opportunity, life could not be as meaningful or as exciting as without a doubt it was meant to be!

The artist is free to create, and does create, a world of his own vision and imagination. In so doing, he captures within it perhaps his own identity and perhaps the essence of another world he’d like to know, but can only imagine… (reference to an image, here, has been removed).  Where would we be if we hadn’t all joined into and played our own roles in the never-ending quest to imagine and to create our own realities and our own futures!

May we all be forever free to imagine and to create, and to follow our own hearts and dreams now and to the end of time….

This is what I wrote, and this is what I meant.  I think that it does not need a lot of explanation.  This country was founded on the concept of individual liberties and freedoms with which we are “endowed by our Creator” and  which cannot be taken from us.  We declared our freedom publicly at the risk of death, we won it, and we embodied it in our system of laws which is founded on our Constitution.

Freedom has a price, and many times in our history, in every generation since the founding of this great nation, those who lived and enjoyed those freedoms have sacrificed and paid that price over and over again, without fail or even hesitation, and with true resolve.  And they have largely succeeded in preserving much of that heritage which was intended for all of us, and they passed it on to the next generation, in their turn.

We, in our turn, must do the same for the sake of all who will follow us – our children, their children, and so-on ad infinitum.  To be true to our heritage, there can be no end to our freedom, and it must not ever be taken from us.

The opposite of freedom is slavery.  Slavery means loss of choice, loss or identity, loss of rights, and even forced servitude to meet some goal which may be at conflict with our own personal rights and freedoms.  Recently, in the last week or so, it was reported in the news that the United States had slipped, in only one year, from 5th place in economic freedom among the nations of the world, to 18th place.  Economic freedom is an important aspect of freedom and much of our freedom as individuals to choose and to pursue our own destinies in our own personal ways, is tied to our economic freedom to do so.  When a nation engages in creating massive debt which then becomes a burden on its citizens, then they must bear the burden of somehow repaying that debt or otherwise removing its obligations.  When a nation further ignores or does not honor the foundation of its laws, in this case, our Constitution, then there is no basis for law, and whoever is able to claim power over you (and whoever controls the money controls the world, as some have said), can do whatever he or she chooses, since there is no acknowledged legal constraint for doing otherwise.

At this point in time, I believe that we have amassed a debt that can never be repaid in any of the usual ways of paying a debt.  It has been reported that if we took all of the money from our very wealthiest people, taxed away everything over $250,000 in earnings from everyone else, and could confiscate all of the profits from our 400 largest corporations each year, we could currently only operate our government for much less than a year, and we could make no payment of any kind toward reducing our debt.  These are not my words, but they are borrowed from those who have done these calculations, and whether the numbers are absolutely right or wrong or even exactly quoted, as I hope they are, they do represent very clearly the threat that we are facing as individuals and as a nation.

A trillion is a hard number to comprehend.  Technically, it is 1 followed by 12 zeroes: 1,000,000,000,000.  It is a million million, or a thousand billion, or a billion thousand, or however you wish to say it.  If we had spent $1million per day since we began counting years on the current calendar (2,012 years),  we would have spent less than 3/4 of a trillion dollars and we would have to continue to spend at this rate for more than 700 more years before reaching our first 1 trillion dollars.  And yet our debt, we are told, now stands at 16 trillion dollars and is increasing at a frightening rate, daily.

I won’t ask where the money has gone or what it has bought.  It was all spent by our government, but however they did it, there seems to be no way to ever repay this debt.  Eventually, and probably not very far away in time, we won’t even be able to find enough money to pay the interest on this debt, even with interest rates very close to zero.  That is the reason that the government cannot afford to let interest rates rise – it could be a disaster.

And yet, the other way to pay off the debt is to simply inflate our currency so that it takes a smaller percentage of inflated dollars to pay off old debts.  To do this means that your dollar must become ever more worthless so that more of them are required to buy anything.   If it took 16 trillion dollars to buy a loaf of bread, for example, then we could easily pay off our national debt by simply baking a single loaf of bread.  This is the program that our government has been following since at least the end of World War II, and it helps to explain why gasoline once cost (in the 1960s) around 20 cents per gallon, and the list could go on and on.  The truth is that your money today will not buy what money would buy 50 years ago, or even 10 or 5 years ago.  That is an observation that I think every one of us can relate to.

Failed government promises and mismanagement of money at the highest levels of government are making slaves out of every one of us.  Either we must find ways to continue to earn more and more dollars that are constantly becoming worth less, or we must work, with very little to show for it, as the government taxes as much as possible away from us to make payments on the debt.  Taxation, however, when there are too few jobs, almost half of the population doesn’t pay taxes, and the economy is very weak, cannot even make a dent in the debt, and can’t even do enough toward paying the annual cost of running the government, as pointed out earlier..  Either way, you are being sold into slavery to that debt obligation, which means that you have lost economic freedom, and that’s what the drop in our ranking from 5th place to 18th place is telling us.

I won’t write much more today.  This may serve as an introduction to one aspect of the problems that do now, and will face all of us in the future, as a nation.  It is time to wake up and to realize the danger to ourselves and to our children and to many generations who will follow them.  Wake up and think, and then decide what you can do to preserve the freedoms that ought to have been yours and theirs.

I am writing because I am concerned and I am afraid.  I am writing because I love freedom and do not want to lose it.  And I am writing because I love my country and don’t want to see it destroyed by massive debt and the consequences that it brings.

In his wisdom, one of our Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, wrote “a government that can give you whatever you want, can take from you whatever you have.”

Eric Sloane was a great American artist, whom I once had the honor to meet.  He was a patriot who loved his country.  He took his name “Eric” from the center of the word “America”.  He wrote and illustrated a book a year for his last 30 years about his country and its ways.  He painted the Aerospace Murals at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington.  He is worth learning about and listening to.

In a book titled “Eric Sloane’s America”, by Michael Wigley, Wigley recounts interviews with Eric Sloane before his death in 1985.  Wigley tells us that Eric reminded him of values that every American should embrace by recalling the words of one of our greatest Presidents, Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln wrote “Our progress in degeneracy appears to be pretty rapid“.  And then he went on to write “You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.  You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.  You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.  You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.  You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man’s initiative and independence.  You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.” (quote from Abraham Lincoln, printed in “Eric Sloane’s America” by Michael Wigley, Dover Publications, 2009, page 118).

Let us pray for our country, let us move quickly to take whatever steps we can take to correct the dire situation in which we find ourselves today, and let us all work together to build a better, brighter future for ourselves and for all our progeny to follow.  I direct these statements to our statesmen who represent us in government, now or in the future, and to every American who loves his country and who seeks to preserve what it was intended to be and what it has always stood for.  Be free and exercise the rights and responsibilities of freedom while you still have them.

Freedom Day – My Tribute to Our Heritage

It’s Independence day in the US, and I wanted to send everyone a special 4th of July greeting in honor of this great annual event.

Last night, as sundown approached, the skies near me were full of vintage WWII planes flying in formation – a salute to this great country and to the people who gave their lives to defend and protect it in so many countless ways and over such a long period of time since our founding fathers first proclaimed our independence and our freedom in 1776.  They, and everyone who came after them pledged their lives, their sacred honor, and their personal wealth to declare and to defend the declaration that henceforth this would be one nation, indivisible, under God, with liberty and justice for all.  Every day since we’ve faced challenges from without and from within, but in spite it all, the work to constantly defend, to protect, and to perfect the dreams embodied in that declaration have continued without faltering.

Each generation in turn has had to face the challenges of its time and to make the sacrifices required to preserve for themselves and for their progeny all that the promise of America could offer to a people who would be free.  Today we celebrate and renew our pledge and our continued resolve to support, protect and to defend that dream which has become America.

Millions have risked all to come here and to be a part of this great undertaking.  Many more will make that same commitment in the future, and all in the hope that the dream will never die and the promise of hope and freedom will be passed on to our children and to their children and for all eternity.

Let us each renew our pledge to do our part, as all who came before us have done, and to renew today our commitment to fixing what is wrong, to bandaging and healing the wounds; and let us pledge all that we are capable of to make the future the brightest we have ever known, and the harbinger of even greater things to come.

Today I salute all those who came before us and who passed on to us the greatest legacy they could give – hope, promise, and a solid rock to build upon.  Included in the gifts which we received, they left a reminder and a monument which has stood as a symbol of all that this great country could offer – a monument to liberty.  As an artist, I want to share an image from a photograph I made which I think will speak to freedom loving people everywhere, as it has spoken to so many before, and to whom it was possibly the first welcoming sight of their future in liberty as they approached our shores for the first time.  Here is my visual reminder of who we are and what we stand for.  I hope it will speak to you, as well.

Independence Day July 4, 2012

With the dawn of every new day, she reminds us or our heritage – Liberty for All.   Wishing you a great Independence Day July 4, 2012!