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About the Artist
The artist and the genius behind the artist

(the artist receiving divine inspiration)
Justice has a background in both the arts and the sciences and has traveled widely and lived and worked in the US and abroad. He has experience in both academia and industry, including time spent as an entrepreneur, with his own company. Along the way, he studied visual arts in several Universities and ateliers. He was also one of the early pioneers in the field of computer-generated music and once held a celebration and performances of new music in honor of a special visit by the "Dean of American Composers", Aaron Copland.

Quoting from the artist: "I share an affinity with many artists who love nature and the outdoors. Did I mention the smell of clean fresh air, the scents of each and every season and place in its turn, the brightness of color washed in the light of a sunny day, and even the grays of an overcast sky filled with storm clouds that bring the promise of rain and renewal of life? If these words conjure up visions in your mind and imagination, which evoke sensual responses and emotions, then you understand something abut what motivates me to be what I am and to do what I do.

I enjoy photography as well as drawing and painting, and continue to be active in both endeavors. Over the years, and primarily through my travels, I have amasssed a large collection of photographic images in both color and black and white formats. These serve to bring me back to a particular moment in time and space and to refresh the memory of my experience at that time. In so doing, they sometimes serve as inspiration for new works of art.

Here you will find both works by my hand, as well as photographic images from my collection, and, in some cases, the melding of the two (art made from photography, or conceived in digital format), which I refer to as "Photo Art". Much of this is experimental and from each, I learn something new.

In figurative work, where I have been spending time recently, I am a kindred spirit to and influenced by the works of Alberto Vargas, Gil Elvgren, Rolf Armstrong, Patrick Nagel, Pino, and so many other great artists and illustrators working in this genre. I would aspire to be able to do what they did so well. You'll find some recent examples of my recent excursions into the world of the contemporary "pinup" here, and I hope you'll like it. I'll be doing much more of this and will be posting it regularly.

From the point of view of traditional landscape and related art, I am influenced by the works of Sargent, Homer, Whistler, Sorolla, and so many more of the truly great artists who have left such great legacies with us."

This is a commercial site. If you have further interest in products, licensing, or other related interests, please feel free to contact us and perhaps we can find new ways to work together! Sellers interested in popular retail products incorporating our imagery, please visit the "Vendors" page.

We hope you'll enjoy what you find here - this website is a recent and ongoing effort and will be growing continually as new works and content are added. Please visit often, and if you like what you find here, be sure to tell your friends!
If I were an eagle, I'd soar as a free spirit above the mountains and clouds; over the sea and shore, and down to the valleys and plains. I'd see and I'd experience as much as I could from my unique vantage point on high. But, sadly, I'd miss the greatest adventure of all - the chance to try my hand at preserving and interpreting all that I had seen - and imagining and perhaps giving expression to all that I had not seen. Without that challenge and opportunity, life could not be as meaningful or as exciting as, without a doubt, it was meant to be!

The artist is free to create, and does create, a world of his own vision and imagination. In so doing, he captures within it perhaps his own identity and perhaps the essence of another world he'd like to know, but can only imagine. The "genius" muse is my own creation and I had fun imagining and creating her. Where would we be if we hadn't all joined into and played our own roles in the never-ending quest to imagine and to create our own realities and our own futures!

May we all be forever free to imagine and to create, and to follow our own hearts and dreams now and to the end of time....
Artist Statement - Freedom for All, Now and Forever